What can Canine Bowen Technique help?

The CBT sessions aim to promote the dogs own healing abilities and can be extremely beneficial for:

  • Improving the quality of life for dogs with chronic conditions or diseases
  • Aiding the release of tension and promoting relaxation following stress and trauma
  • Improving recovery times when used before and after operative surgery
  • Effective maintenance and prevention for active working dogs

CBT may also be very helpful for dogs with the following conditions:

  • Acute injury (sprains & strains)
  • Arthritis
  • Nervousness /anxiety
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Lameness & general gait problems
  • Joint problems

*Conditions such as joint dysplasia (or genetic conditions) won't be cured per se, but CBT may nevertheless help the dog because the rebalancing effects both locally and elsewhere in the dog's body may help to free up areas of tension or compensation.

CBT works well alongside, but is not a replacement for, conventional treatment. CBT therapists do not diagnose, prescribe or alter medication – only veterinary professionals have the experience to do this.

CBT is only available on veterinary referral. Please contact me for a referral form, which will need to be signed by your vet to give his/her consent for the therapy.